
Fallout new vegas legion overhaul
Fallout new vegas legion overhaul

fallout new vegas legion overhaul

You can't fight in the legion arena near caesar's tent as a woman, if that matters to OP. Place one copy of the new Armor of the 87th Tribe armor piece on Gaius Magnus and a second in the debugging floorsafe in the Legion safehouse where a copy of all the CNR armors are. I would abuse that privilage (I did) to get loads of good gear, then betraying the legion, starting with the veteran supplying me. As with the Brotherhood Safehouse, this will be near the map boundary. is this true? User Lists: 5 #1 Edited By matpaget. She is a Caesar's Legion bounty hunter, on a job to capture a super mutant named Blackjack. The legionaries use trappings of Roman culture, but these are not imposed on the Legion… help with Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul i cant find the legion underground and ive looked everywhere on where it is help! Aparrently you get the key from lucius when "liked" by the legion, well i am and he hasent gave me the key. Caesar's legion safehouse 13 grudnia 2020

Fallout new vegas legion overhaul