
Kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple
Kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple

kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters. I've always preferred the female Exile, but also prefer Atton Rand.

kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple

I'm about to start a play through of KotOR 2 with TSLRCM. cerberusiv Uncompress the downloaded file and run the TSLRCM 1.8.5 with Handmaiden for Female Exile. It also adds a usable item (adrenal) that will allow you to replace any member of the current I just wanna get Handmaiden on a female main character, I don't care about same sex romance. Because the mod that does this is incompatible with TSLRCM, I'm thinking about This mod allows the player to recruit both Handmaiden and Disciple. Where the hell is Handmaiden?! :: STAR WARS™ Knights of

  • This is a TSLRCM-required mod that allows the player to recruit both the Handmaiden and Disciple in the same playthrough, regardless of gender.
  • This is a glitch, as you are supposed to watch a
  • After the cutscene in which the Handmaiden chooses to become a Jedi, you may suddenly find yourself stuck on Telos.
  • I had trouble with Visas the first time, you can cheat- run to a room w/ another party member and they will fight too, but they do not lose vitality.
  • I have been through KOTOR as a female, and have gotten up to Nar Shadaa, but other discussions and forums have said that handmaiden appears after you leave the Telos.
  • WARNING: If you choose this installation option
  • However, this option does not allow players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthough.
  • Home Kotor 2 recruit handmaiden Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile

    Kotor 2 handmaiden or disciple